Sunday, 30 March 2014

#RC001: Multinational Monitor's Corporate Rap Sheet Shameless: 1995's 10 Worst Corporations

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                 Multinational Monitor's Corporate Rap Sheet

                          Subscription info below

                   Shameless: 1995's 10 Worst Corporations

                    by Russell Mokhiber and Andrew Wheat

                 1. SHELL Executes A Business Plan
                 2. BHP Wants To Be Above The Law
                 3. ADM : Food Stamp King
                 4. CHIQUITA Top Banana
                 5. ENRON's Political Profit Pipeline
                 6. DOW CHEMICAL's Implant Liability
                 7. JOHNSON & JOHNSON Obstructs Justice
                 8. 3M : Skipping A Beat?
                 9. DUPONT's GOA Constrictor
                10. WARNER-LAMBERT's Guilty Plea

The corporate crime lobby rioted in Washington, D.C. this year, putting the
torch to law-and-order restrictions on corporate America. Big corporations
with recidivist crime records marched arm-in-arm with accountants and
lawyers, swarming the marbled corridors of power, demanding protection for
corporate and white-collar criminals caught stealing from investors,
polluting the environment or injuring consumers.

When anyone dares challenge these corporate decriminalization and furlough
proposals, their shameless proponents lash out with moral indignation.

At a press conference earlier this year, Corporate lobby poster boy House
Speaker Newt Gingrich was asked why his "Contract with America" addressed
street crime, while ignoring the more damaging corporate crime and violence.
Gingrich said that probably 90 percent of the U.S. population is more
fearful of being "blown away walking into a Seven-Eleven" than of dying from
an occupational disease. "If I go around the country and say, 'vote for us
and there will be no more white-collar fraud,' the average voter would say,
'I don't think he gets it.'"

This public perception is shaped by corporate media and tabloid television
trash, which focus overwhelmingly on street crime. If these media devoted
proportional time to the corporate muggings and homicides that are carried
out through fraud, unsafe products, pollution and occupational accidents and
disease, public perceptions would shift to more accurately reflect reality.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reports that burglary and robbery
combined cost the United States approximately $4 billion a year. In
contrast, white-collar fraud, generally committed by intelligent people of
means, costs 50 times as much -- or $200 billion a year, according to W.
Steve Albrecht, a Brigham Young University accounting professor and
co-author of the book Fraud: Bringing Light to the Dark Side of Business.

The FBI reports approximately 24,000 street crime homicides a year. More
than twice that number -- 56,000 Americans -- die each year on the job or
from occupational diseases such as job-related cancers and brown and black
lung disease. This does not include the health costs to the general public
of corporate pollution.

In their relentless search for campaign funds, Gingrich and many of his
bi-partisan cronies overlook the need to deter crime by enforcing the law
against society's most powerful lawbreakers. Yet, respect for legal
authority is like a fish -- it rots from the head down. Why should street
criminals respect the law when members of Congress give the green light to
corporate America to plunder?

Gingrich says that the time has come to "reestablish shame as means of
enforcing proper behavior." To help balance Gingrich's targeting of shame on
the poor, Multinational Monitor presents the 10 worst corporations of 1995,
to "reestablish shame as a means of enforcing proper behavior" -- in the


     Nigeria's military dictatorship hanged nine political dissidents,
     including playwright and environmentalist Ken Saro-Wiwa, in November

     The dictatorship was roundly condemned for the executions by human
     rights groups and government leaders from around the world -- as was,
     to a lesser extent, its business partner Royal Dutch Shell. Saro-Wiwa
     led a campaign in Nigeria that accused Royal Dutch Shell of profiting
     off 500,000 Ogoni people and polluting their homeland.

     In Nigeria, which accounts for 14 percent of Shell's worldwide oil
     production, Shell seems to have made its deal with the devil. As Steve
     Kretzmann pointed out ["Nigeria's Drilling Fields," Multinational
     Monitor, January/February 1995], "oil is the single most important
     commodity in Nigeria, and Shell is the backbone of the oil market."

     Multinationals that find themselves forming close partnerships with
     unsavory regimes often explain failures to cut these profitable ties by
     arguing that they are pursuing a "constructive engagement" policy that
     benefits the downtrodden and sets a sterling example for the tyrants.
     Such a case is difficult to make when a corporation's behavior has been
     less than noble and when the downtrodden are determined to throw the
     company out.

     Shell's deteriorating pipeline infrastructure has spilled oil on Ogoni
     land with such regularity that it is difficult to characterize the
     spills as accidents. The company's Nigerian operations spilled an
     estimated 1.6 million gallons in 27 incidents from 1982 to 1992. The
     company says half of the spills in 1992 resulted from sabotage designed
     to extort compensation from the company. Ogoni leaders say sabotage is
     a factor in very few spills.

     Eric Nickson, head of public affairs for Shell International in London,
     has visited the company's operations in Nigeria. He acknowledges that
     "there are [environmental] problems,"but says, "We're addressing

     Since a huge anti-Shell rally on Ogoni land in January 1993 that
     congregated thousands of people, hundreds of Ogonis have been killed.
     Saro-Wiwa was arrested four times between the 1993 rally and his

     But in the brutal clash between the Nigeria's dictatorship and people,
     Shell often comes off looking like an ally of the repressive state.
     After soldiers opened fire on a peaceful demonstration against a
     contractor laying Shell pipes on Ogoni farm land in April 1993 --
     killing one person and wounding 10 -- the general manager of Shell's
     Nigeria subsidiary wrote the Governor of Rivers State (himself a former
     Shell employee) asking for more pipeline security.

     A May 1994 Nigerian military memo noted, "Shell operations still
     impossible unless ruthless military operations are undertaken for
     smooth economic activities to commence."

     Four days after this memo was written, four traditional Ogoni leaders
     were murdered by a mob at a rally. Saro-Wiwa was in military custody at
     the time, but nine months later he was charged with inciting the riot.

     After Saro-Wiwa was executed in November 1995, calls intensified for
     Shell to abandon a large liquefied natural-gas project in Nigeria. If
     we pull out now, "the project will collapse. Maybe forever. So, let's
     be clear who gets hurt if the project is canceled," Shell said in
     full-page ads in leading Western papers. "A cancellation would
     certainly hurt the thousands of Nigerians who will be working on the

     While using a constructive engagement argument to defend its economic
     collaboration with Nigeria's dictatorship, Shell advanced a
     disengagement policy toward political repression. "There are now
     demands that Shell should intervene and use its perceived 'influence'
     to have the [Saro-Wiwa] judgment overturned,"says a November 2, 1995
     Shell release. "This would be dangerous and wrong. Ken Saro-Wiwa and
     his co-defendants were accused of a criminal offense. A commercial
     organization like Shell cannot and must never interfere with the legal
     process of a sovereign state."

     A subsequent Shell release urging Nigeria to grant clemency to the nine
     men headed for the gallows came as too little too late.

     Shell also made headlines in 1995 when it became the first oil company
     to try to dispose of an obsolete off-shore oil platform by a burial at
     sea. Shell wanted to sink the 460-foot Brent Spar platform west of
     Scotland, but was disabused of plans to convert the Atlantic into a
     corporate dump, thanks in large part to a campaign led by Greenpeace
     [see "Sparring with Shell," Multinational Monitor, July/August 1995].

     An analysis done by Norway-based consulting firm Det Norske Veritas
     revealed in October 1995 that Greenpeace and Shell had both
     misrepresented the Brent Spar's toxicity. A sampling error convinced
     Greenpeace that the rig carried 5,500 tons of oil and oily wax when
     there was, at most, 103 tons aboard. Shell estimated that there were
     fewer than 20 grams of highly toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
     aboard; the new estimate is eight kilograms.


     A70-kilometer stretch of the Ok Tedi River in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is
     "biologically dead." The weapon of its destruction is the daily dose of
     more than 80,000 tons of toxic mining waste that Australian mining
     giant BHP has been dumping in the river.

     While the destruction of rivers by mining companies is all too
     commonplace, what is unusual is the lengths to which BHP, which has
     operational control over Ok Tedi Mining Ltd. (OTML), went to try to
     immunize itself from resulting legal claims. For generations, the
     families of villagers represented in the suit have relied on the river
     system for food, water, transportation and recreation, a way of life
     that they contend has been harmed by OTML.

     The PNG government originally conditioned OTML's permits upon the
     company building a dam to contain the crushed rock, cyanide and heavy
     metal wastes that the mine was expected to discard at a rate of 80,000
     tons a day over its 30-year life span.

     After a landslide destroyed a tailings dam that OTML was building,
     however, the mine decided to abandon this environmental safeguard.
     Exercising the clout that comes with being the source of 30 percent of
     PNG federal revenues, OTML got permission to operate without the dam.
     By 1991, the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) concluded that
     the Ok Tedi River system, upon which thousands of people depend, was
     "biologically dead."

     The Melbourne, Australia law firm of Slater & Gordon filed a lawsuit in
     Australia in 1994 against OTML on behalf of land owners downstream from
     the mine. The plaintiffs are seeking damages estimated at $1.5 billion
     to $2.2 billion, half in compensation for environmental damage to the
     river system and the other half in punitive damages to punish the
     defendants for alleged deliberate destruction of property down river.

     BHP lawyers responded in August 1995 by helping to draft legislation
     for the PNG Parliament that would make it a criminal offense to sue
     BHP. In September 1995, the Victoria State Supreme Court found BHP in
     contempt of court for its part in drafting the legislation.

     In early December 1995, the PNG Parliament approved legislation that
     would block any future OTML liability and set up a $81,323,000
     compensation fund for landowners harmed by OTML's operations. The
     legislation would give plaintiffs six months to opt out of the
     Australia suit and to seek a settlement under this fund. "The
     compensation fund goes nowhere in terms of the damages," says Slater &
     Gordon Solicitor John Tuck. This money would be doled out over 15 years
     by the provincial government in PNG, "which doesn't exactly have a
     great reputation in financial matters," Tuck says.

     BHP acknowledges in a company statement that "fish numbers have
     decreased" in the river waters "immediately below the Ok Tedi
     junction." But the statement says that the fish "remain plentiful and
     variety is undiminished" elsewhere in the river system.

     "The government of Papua New Guinea enacts laws as to how the Ok Tedi
     mine operates," says BHP spokesperson Stedman Ellis. "We have complied
     with these laws. This has been recognized by the government of Papua
     New Guinea."


     How does "America's supermarket to the world," which is fighting
     allegations of large-scale international price-fixing by a former
     executive, preserve its position as the biggest U.S. corporate welfare
     recipient even as Congress is removing millions of citizens from social
     welfare rolls?

     What Decatur, Illinois-based ADM has that less fortunate welfare
     recipients lack is the money and savvy to buy political and media
     influence. There is no good policy reason to preserve the best-fed U.S.
     welfare recipient's place at the public trough. This is the conclusion
     of many welfare experts, including James Bovard, a fellow of the
     libertarian Cato Institute in Washington, D.C. Bovard's 1995 report,
     "Archer Daniels Midland: A Case Study in Corporate Welfare," found that
     ADM leads the corporate welfare pack.

     "ADM and its chairman, Dwayne Andreas, have lavishly fertilized both
     political parties with millions of dollars in handouts and in return
     have reaped billion-dollar windfalls from taxpayers and consumers,"
     Bovard wrote. "Thanks to federal protection of the domestic sugar
     industry, ethanol subsidies, subsidized grain exports, and various
     other programs, ADM has cost the American economy billions of dollars
     since 1980 and higher prices and higher taxes over that same period."

     The Cato report also found that: every $1 of profits ADM earns on
     ethanol sales costs taxpayers $30; every $1 of profits ADM earns on
     corn sweetener costs consumers $10; the grain-export subsidies that
     line ADM's pockets in the name of alleviating Third World hunger have
     devastated the economies of recipient nations; and taken together, the
     agricultural welfare programs championed by ADM have cost the U.S.
     economy at least $40 billion over the past 15 years.

     Andreas and ADM do not defend themselves on free-market terms. "There
     isn't one grain of anything in the world that is sold in a free
     market," Andreas recently told Mother Jones magazine. "Not one! The
     only place you see a free market is in the speeches of politicians.
     People who are not from the Midwest do not understand that this is a
     socialist country." ADM did not return calls from Multinational

     In a celebrated whistle-blower case this year, former ADM executive
     Mark Whitacre alleged that, having helped itself to a huge slab of the
     corporate welfare pie, ADM got greedy and participated in a global
     conspiracy involving corporate espionage, technology theft and price
     fixing. ADM fired Whitacre in August 1995, accusing him of "the theft
     of at least $2.5 million from the company," allegations Whitacre

     Whitacre, a Ph.D. in nutritional biochemistry, joined ADM in 1989 to
     run a biochemical division producing lysine, an amino acid supplement
     for animal feed. After ADM made a large investment in the product,
     lysine prices plummeted. Whitacre alleges that ADM responded by getting
     the world's leading lysine makers to fix higher prices.

     ADM denies the charges.


     Carl Lindner and his companies are a Political Action Committee (PAC)
     piggy bank. The Cincinnati, Ohio billionaire is Chief Executive Officer
     (CEO) of Chiquita Brands International and CEO of American Financial
     Corp. (AFC), Chiquita's parent corporation.

     In 1994, AFC, its subsidiaries and their executives made $580,000 in
     so-called "soft money" political contributions, including $275,000 to
     the Democrats, $250,000 to the Republicans, and $55,000 to the GOP
     Action Committee (GOPAC) that was then run by current Speaker Newt
     Gingrich, R-Georgia [see "Gingrich's GOPAC Patrons Take Out A Contract
     on America," Multinational Monitor, March 1995].

     U.S. law imposes limits on the amount of "hard money" that can be
     contributed directly to the campaigns of individual candidates. But
     there is no limit on the flow of "soft money" to general party coffers
     or to political foundations such as GOPAC.

     Around the time of AFC-affiliated soft-money contributions, Chiquita
     received major market assistance from leaders of both parties.

     In the late 1980s, Chiquita gambled that, with the unification of
     Europe's market, the European Union (EU) would terminate banana
     preferences for former European colonies, says Chris Parlin, counsel at
     Washington, D.C.-based Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts, which
     represented the Caribbean Banana Exporters Association until recently.
     Chiquita phased out its Caribbean production on this mistaken
     assumption, says Parlin.

     As major banana exporters and signatories of the General Agreement on
     Tariffs and Trade (GATT), Costa Rica and Colombia successfully
     challenged the EU quota as discriminatory under GATT. But during
     Uruguay Round GATT tariff negotiations in December 1993, Colombia and
     Costa Rica agreed to drop this dispute. Through a "framework
     agreement,"the EU placated the complaining countries by giving them
     control of licenses that provide preferential access to part of the EU
     banana market. This pacified the trade war with everyone but Chiquita.

     Chiquita pushed the United States to file a dispute against Lom
     preferences under GATT's new offspring, the World Trade Organization
     (WTO). But the U.S. case is weaker than the earlier one because the WTO
     has some limited recognition that developing countries are entitled to
     certain preferences. More importantly, WTO dispute procedures require a
     country with a grievance to have a significant commercial interest in
     the matter. "There is no appreciable banana production in the United
     States, and relatively few U.S. jobs depend on bananas," says a March
     1995 letter to U.S. Trade Representative Mickey Kantor from Belize's
     Prime Minister Manuel Esquivel on behalf of the Caribbean Common
     Market. In contrast, "The loss of our traditional European banana
     markets would be catastrophic" for Caribbean nations, Esquivel wrote.

     Going beyond the WTO, Chiquita's political friends brandished
     unilateral U.S. trade weapons and tried to torpedo the EU framework
     agreement with Colombia and Costa Rica. In August 1994, 12 senators,
     including Majority Leader Robert Dole, R-Kansas, petitioned Kantor to
     investigate EU banana policies. Two months later, U.S. trade officials
     announced an investigation under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974.
     Kantor issued a preliminary decision that EU banana quotas were
     discriminatory in January 1995 and began compiling a "retaliation list"
     of European imports for possible sanctions.

     But Kantor has not moved fast enough for some recipients of Chiquita
     cash. In October 1995, the Journal of Commerce reported that Senator
     Dole told Senate Finance Committee Republicans that legislation to open
     up the EU banana market was his "top priority" for the sweeping budget
     reconciliation bill. Despite Dole's efforts, the banana legislation --
     which strips Colombia and Costa Rica of U.S. trade preferences unless
     they scuttle the EU framework agreement -- was deleted from the budget

     Why did a U.S. presidential candidate try to make bananas the "top
     priority" of a huge bill with controversial Medicaid cuts? One
     Dole-banana link is a $100,000 Lindner gift to Dole's now-defunct
     Better America Foundation.

     Another explanation emanates from Dole's office. "Senator Dole has
     taken this position because it is right for America," says a December 5
     statement from his office. "To suggest any other reason is totally
     absurd." Chiquita did not return Multinational Monitor calls.

     Like Shell and Dow Chemical, Chiquita's 10-Worst case is bolstered by
     its defendant status in lawsuits related to production and use of the
     pesticide DBCP, which has been linked to widespread sterilization of
     banana workers.

     Between 1965 and 1990, DBCP was produced by Shell, Dow and Occidental
     Chemical and widely applied by Chiquita, Standard Fruit and Dole Foods.
     These companies have been named in DBCP class action suits on behalf of
     more than 10,000 banana workers in 11 developing countries.

     The banana worker suits allege that as early as 1961, research by Dow
     and the University of California indicated that DBCP is highly toxic
     and that its vapors alone can do damage to sperm cells, livers and

     "This pesticide was used by virtually every banana worker in the world
     for a period of 10 to 15 years,"says Austin, Texas-based lawyer Scott
     Hendler, who represents about 3,500 DBCP plaintiffs. Dallas lawyer
     Charles Siegel represents approximately 7,000 more workers.

     In 1977, the United States banned domestic use of this highly toxic
     pesticide -- though not domestic production for export. As a result,
     foreign workers continued to inject the pesticide in the ground with a
     special tank. In unscrewing it to refill it, they were exposed to
     splashes and fumes.

     The defendants "may dispute that these guys have been injured, but they
     do not dispute that these chemicals can cause these kinds of
     [sterilization] injuries,"Hendler says.


     In early 1995, the world's biggest natural gas company began clearing
     ground 100 miles south of Bombay, India for a $2.8 billion, gas-fired
     power plant -- the largest single foreign investment in India.

     Villagers claimed that the power plant was overpriced and that its
     effluent would destroy their fisheries and coconut and mango trees. One
     villager opposing Enron put it succinctly, "Why not remove them before
     they remove us?"

     As Pratap Chatterjee reported ["Enron Deal Blows a Fuse," Multinational
     Monitor, July/August 1995], hundreds of villagers stormed the site that
     was being prepared for Enron's 2,015-megawatt plant in May 1995,
     injuring numerous construction workers and three foreign advisers.

     After winning Maharashtra state elections, the conservative
     nationalistic Bharatiya Janata Party canceled the deal, sending shock
     waves through Western businesses with investments in India.

     Maharashtra officials said they acted to prevent the Houston,
     Texas-based company from making huge profits off "the backs of India's
     poor." New Delhi's Hindustan Times editorialized in June 1995, "It is
     time the West realized that India is not a banana republic which has to
     dance to the tune of multinationals."

     Enron officials are not so sure. Hoping to convert the cancellation
     into a temporary setback, the company launched an all-out campaign to
     get the deal back on track. In late November 1995, the campaign was
     showing signs of success, although progress was taking a toll on the
     handsome rate of return that Enron landed in the first deal. In India,
     Enron is now being scrutinized by the public, which is demanding
     contracts reflecting market rates. But it's a big world.

     In November 1995, the company announced that it has signed a $700
     million deal to build a gas pipeline from Mozambique to South Africa.
     The pipeline will service Mozambique's Pande gas field, which will
     produce an estimated two trillion cubic feet of gas.

     The deal, in which Enron beat out South Africa's state petroleum
     company Sasol, sparked controversy in Africa following reports that the
     Clinton administration, including the U.S. Agency for International
     Development, the U.S. Embassy and even National Security adviser
     Anthony Lake, lobbied Mozambique on behalf of Enron.

     "There were outright threats to withhold development funds if we didn't
     sign, and sign soon," John Kachamila, Mozambique's natural resources
     minister, told the Houston Chronicle. Enron spokesperson Diane
     Bazelides declined to comment on the these allegations, but said that
     the U.S. government had been "helpful as it always is with American
     companies." Spokesperson Carol Hensley declined to respond to a
     hypothetical question about whether or not Enron would approve of U.S.
     government threats to cut off aid to a developing nation if the country
     did not sign an Enron deal.

     Enron has been repeatedly criticized for relying on political clout
     rather than low bids to win contracts. Political heavyweights that
     Enron has engaged on its behalf include former U.S. Secretary of State
     James Baker, former U.S. Commerce Secretary Robert Mosbacher and
     retired General Thomas Kelly, U.S. chief of operations in the 1990 Gulf
     War. Enron's Board includes former Commodities Futures Trading
     Commission Chair Wendy Gramm (wife of presidential hopeful Senator Phil
     Gramm, R-Texas), former U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Charles Walker
     and John Wakeham, leader of the House of Lords and former U.K. Energy

          To round out the ENRON story, we include the following from
          THE WAR & PEACE DIGEST, April/May 1996, Vol.4, No.1, p.6.


                 Secret deal by Enron defeats citizens of India

          Enron, the Houston-based multinational engineering giant, has
          finally triumphed over a year-long, citizen-lead effort to
          halt a $2.8 billion gas-fired power plant a hundred miles
          south of Bombay in India. Local citizens have demonstrated
          violently against the project saying it was overpriced and
          would destroy fisheries and coconut and mango trees. They
          complained that the company would be "making profits off the
          backs of India's poor." New Delhi's Hindustan Times
          complained, "It is time the West realized India is not a
          banana republic which has to dance to the tune of the

          Rashmi Mayur, a leading urban environmentalist and head of
          the Bombay-based Global Futures Network, had led the
          opposition to the Enron plant on grounds that it would be
          disastrous for the economy and ecology of the area, with an
          inappropriately expensive, massive, centralized and foreign
          controlled enterprise. But early in 1996 the Indian
          government officially approved Enron's request to build the
          plant. "Even an alliance of new political parties, pledged to
          halt the project, ended up being bought by Enron after a
          secret meeting with the corporation's senior executives,"
          Mayur said bluntly.

          He pointed to the case as a grim demonstration that the
          transnational corporations have become the "real power of the
          Earth; the de-facto governments, operating outside the rule
          of law." He said the transnationals were now so rich they
          could buy up any government, including the United States
          government. "The governments have become merely the
          chauffeurs for the transnationals." he claimed. The
          transnationals, operating outside any authority, had created
          what he described as "the new global anarchy of the
          international marketplace."

          The United Nations, he said, has proved ineffective in
          dealing with the challenge of the transnationals. "The UN is
          only; a forum. It can not enforce a judgment against
          the actions of the transnationals. Like governments, they can
          even walk out of the World Court if they wish."

          Environmental Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) were also
          powerless to obstruct the juggernaut of the transnationals.
          "It was the same with the French nuclear testing or the
          illegal Japanese and Norwegian whaling ." Mayur said. "The
          NGO's could do nothing to stop them."

          The biggest transnationals, he pointed out, were the
          international arms manufacturers feeding the world's arms
          bazaars. "That is why the Pentagon is more powerful than any
          political party. Its annual $260-billion budget represents
          one third of all military spending on the planet. And in some
          third world nations, the military budgets are rising by more
          than 10% a year."

          Mayur is not optimistic that the media, as it presently
          exists, can -- or will -- do anything about the transnational
          anarchy. "The major media are all controlled by multinational
          corporations." However, Mayur sees some encouragement in the
          new global communications technology like Internet. He also
          points to the global grass roots protest against France
          during the recent nuclear tests. "The whole Earth must now
          become the grassroots," he said. "Then, and only then, can we
          hope for an end to the madness of the nation states and the
          transnationals who control them, and look ahead to the coming
          unity of humanity."



     John E. Swanson thought Dow Corning Corp. was at the head of the class
     in corporate ethics -- until his wife, Colleen, decided that her
     silicone breast implants, which were marketed without disclosure of
     significant health risks, were the cause of her persistent illness.

     Although thousands of women have complained of a variety of implant
     problems, including auto-immune disease, hardening of the skin, joint
     swelling and chronic fatigue, the Swanson case is different because
     John Swanson was a Dow Corning ethics officer who helped design an
     ethics program that was hailed as a corporate model. Now, Swanson, who
     worked at Dow Corning for 27 years, says that Dow Corning's handling of
     the implants controversy was unethical.

     The Swanson story is told in the 1995 book Informed Consent: A Story of
     Personal Tragedy and Corporate Betrayal -- Inside the Silicone Breast
     Implant Crisis by John Byrne. Dow Corning denounces the book as skewed,
     saying John Swanson's involvement in it "precludes the possibility of a
     fair, accurate and objective evaluation of the controversy." The
     company also says that Swanson solicited money in exchange for a pledge
     not to write an expos, a charge Swanson denies.

     According to Informed Consent, Swanson received a memo in December 1990
     that alleged that two company officials were trying to destroy internal
     reports showing much higher implant complication rates than had been
     acknowledged. The author of the memo, company Medical Director Dr.
     Charles Dillon, alleged that a senior Dow Corning attorney asked a
     company scientist to destroy all copies of a memo on her research,
     which found that 30 percent of women with implants experience problems.
     Dillon asked the company's business conduct committee, on which Swanson
     served, to investigate "a violation of corporate, professional and
     commonly accepted business ethics."

     Dow Corning was the leading maker of breast implants and silicone gel.
     Having already spent $1 billion defending itself from implant claims,
     and with more than 8,000 lawsuits pending against the company, Dow
     Corning declared bankruptcy in May 1995 to try to escape liability. Dow
     Chemical is a 50 percent owner of Dow Corning.

     Many legal experts considered Dow Chemical untouchable in these
     lawsuits because it never manufactured breast implants. But in October
     1995, a Nevada jury hit Dow Chemical with a $10 million punitive damage
     judgment in an implant case. The jury also awarded $4.1 million in
     compensatory damages to Charlotte Mahlum, who claimed that her implants
     caused severe neurological illnesses.

     Mahlum's lawyer, Fred Ellis, a partner in the Boston law firm of
     Gilman, McLaughlin & Hanrahan, says that evidence showed that, "Dow
     Chemical knew early on about the dangers of liquid silicone and
     concealed them from the public."

     Dow Chemical has asked the court to set aside the verdict on the
     grounds that the evidence did not support the jury's decision. "The
     jury was inflamed by plaintiffs' counsels' prejudices, distortions and
     exploitation of their emotions," said Dow Chemical General Counsel John
     Scriven following the verdict. "We understand that Charlotte Mahlum and
     women like her are unwell, but the facts argue against laying the blame
     at the door of Dow Chemical," Scriven said. "We never were in the
     silicone business. And based on the overwhelming strength of the
     scientific and medical evidence, we know silicone breast implants don't
     cause disease of any type."

     Ellis charges, however, that the two main epidemiological studies Dow
     Chemical relied on, the Harvard Nursing Study and a study by the Mayo
     Clinic, "do not look at the atypical diseases that these women have."

     Ellis also argued that the studies were tainted by conflicts of
     interest. "The Mayo study discloses on the front page that it was
     funded by the Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation (PSEF)," Ellis
     says. Two of the authors of the Harvard Nurses Study "had either agreed
     to act as a consultant expert for the defendant manufacturers, or were
     actually on the payroll of the manufacturers while they were conducting
     the study," Ellis says. During the study, Dow Corning contributed
     million of dollars to Brigham and Women's Hospital, the institution
     conducting the study.

     Terri Hornbach-Torres, a Brigham spokesperson, says the hospital
     received $7 million from Dow Corning and that the hospital is
     investigating two doctors involved in the study. "The inquiry is
     looking at the potential conflict of interest on the part of the
     doctors and at their roles as experts for private attorneys
     representing silicone breast implant manufacturers and as researchers
     involved in research supported by Dow Corning," Hornbach-Torres says.

     Silicone breast implants are not the only product linked to Dow
     Chemical that can be hazardous to your health. In September 1995,
     Greenpeace reported that chlorine-based Dow Chemical products --
     including pesticides, solvents and PVC plastics -- constitute the
     world's single largest source of dioxins.

     Dioxins have been linked to a range of health problems, including
     cancers, endometriosis, declining fertility, immune system suppression
     and birth defects.

     Joe Stearns, Dow's director of environmental affairs for chemicals
     dismissed as "totally inaccurate" the claim that Dow is the world's
     leading producer of dioxins. "The Environmental Protection Agency, in
     their dioxin reassessment indicated that municipal and hospital waste
     is the largest [dioxin] source," he says.


     Prosecuting corporate crimes is a time-consuming process that relies
     heavily on corporate paper trails. Too often, corporate wrongdoers
     attempt to hide evidence of one crime by committing another --
     destroying evidence.

     Image-conscious Johnson & Johnson Company (J&J), maker of
     age-of-innocence products such as J&J baby powder and shampoo, lost its
     innocence in January 1995, when a company subsidiary pled guilty to
     destroying documents.

     Ortho Pharmaceutical Corp., a wholly-owned J&J subsidiary, was fined $5
     million and ordered to pay $2.5 million in restitution after pleading
     guilty to one count of conspiracy to obstruct justice, one count of
     obstruction of justice and eight counts of corruptly persuading
     employees to destroy documents.

     Ortho employees started destroying documents on the heels of a Food and
     Drug Administration (FDA), Department of Justice and grand jury
     investigation into a 1985 to 1988 public relations campaign promoting
     the use of Ortho's Retin-A to treat sun-wrinkled or "photoaged" skin.
     The FDA approved Retin-A in 1971 as an acne treatment but never
     approved it to treat "photoaging." Thousands of documents showing how
     Ortho coordinated the Retin-A campaign work of outside public relations
     firms were destroyed.

     "The destruction of documents by a major corporation to thwart a
     federal investigation is outrageous misconduct that simply will not be
     tolerated," says Frank Hunger, head of the Justice Department's civil

     "The company does not believe it violated FDA regulations or guidelines
     relating to promotional activities," a J&J statement says. But J&J
     Chair and CEO Ralph Larsen says, "The document destruction was
     absolutely wrong," adding, it "must never happen again."

     In an unrelated incident in October 1995, J&J Consumer Products
     division settled Federal Trade Commission charges that it had made
     false advertising claims that exaggerated the failure rate of condoms.
     The ads promoted the company's spermicidal jelly, K-Y PLUS Nonoxynol-9.
     "There was no intent to imply condoms are defective,"a company
     statement says.

     Asked if the Retin-A and condom incidents suggest a wider company
     problem with product misrepresentation, Vice President for External
     Communications F. Robert Kniffin says J&J has 160 companies worldwide
     advertising all kinds of health-care products. "So, to reach a
     conclusion that I there is some trend or pattern is an impossible
     stretch,"Kniffin says.


     Earlier this year, 3M claimed a place in the annals of corporate

     In Deadly Medicine: Why Tens of Thousands of Heart Patients Died in
     America's Worst Drug Disaster, author Thomas J. Moore argues that
     popular heart drugs produced by 3M and other pharmaceutical companies
     resulted in the deaths of an estimated 50,000 patients. Tambocor had
     the biggest share of the market for this class of drugs.

     Deadly Medicine documents how St. Paul, Minnesota-based 3M, anxious to
     expand a small foothold in the lucrative pharmaceutical business,
     introduced its first major new drug, Tambocor, in 1985. Within two
     years, pharmacists were filling thousands of Tambocor prescriptions a
     month to treat irregular heartbeats.

     In 1989, National Institutes of Health (NIH) clinical trials indicated
     that the drug, far from saving heart patients, finished them off,
     writes Moore, a senior fellow at George Washington University's Center
     for Health Policy Research.

     Deadly Medicine argues that the drug industry persuaded thousands of
     doctors to prescribe expensive drugs based on the unproved theory that
     suppressing mild premature heartbeats would prevent lethal cardiac
     arrests. The book also charges that 3M, outside medical experts and
     some Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials knew Tambocor could
     kill patients.

     Moore says the FDA knowingly allowed expert advisers who had tested the
     drugs for the pharmaceutical industry to judge the merits of the same
     drugs for the FDA. Two of the FDA's eight outside judges of Tambocor's
     safety had worked on the drug for the industry, Moore says.

     3M successfully waged a high-pressure campaign to persuade the FDA to
     relax safety restrictions on the Tambocor label, despite growing
     evidence about the dangers of antiarrhythmic drugs, Moore says.

     Asked why these drugs have not spawned a slew of product liability
     suits, Moore says it would be difficult to sort out in court which
     heart patient died of a heart condition and which died as a result of a
     prescription for that condition.

     This same class of drugs is still prescribed widely. Moore cites a
     physician survey released in March 1995 at the American College of
     Cardiology in New Orleans that shows that physicians are ignoring FDA
     warnings and the results of a National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
     study. The survey suggests that 30 percent of general practitioners
     prescribe this family of drugs for patients with a mild heart rhythm
     disturbance called non-sustained ventricular tachycardia.

     Marcia Arko, a 3M spokesperson, told Multinational Monitor that no
     "knowledgeable" 3M representative was available to discuss Moore's
     findings. A prepared company statement says the allegations "have no
     scientific merit whatsoever -- they're just plain wrong."

     "Tambocor is a highly effective medicine that dramatically improves the
     lives of thousands of people," the statement says. "Tambocor has been
     thoroughly studied and tested since the mid-1970s by hundreds of
     leading heart specialists and 3M scientists. It is approved for use in
     more than 50 countries, some for over a decade."


     What did DuPont see in Goa, India? As Gary Cohen and Satinath Sarangi
     reported earlier this year ["DuPont: Spinning Its Wheels in India,"
     Multinational Monitor, March 1995], DuPont hooked up with the Indian
     company Thapar in 1985 to build a $217 million factory to make nylon
     6,6 -- a tire ingredient -- in Goa's jungle highlands.

     This venture, which was designed to supply Asia's booming tire market,
     set out on the wrong foot where community relations were concerned. The
     investors had the state Economic Development Corporation take over the
     factory site from a cooperative and then lease it to Thapar-DuPont Ltd.
     (TDL) in exchange for a state stake in the enterprise.

     To address industrial chemical concerns that have been heightened in
     India since Union Carbide's Bhopal disaster, TDL made squeaky-clean
     claims. A full page ad in a Goa newspaper, for example, proclaimed, "We
     will not handle, use, sell, transport, or dispose of a product unless
     we can do it in an environmentally sound manner." What the ads did not
     say was that DuPont's contract with TDL exempts the U.S.-based parent
     company from liability for environmental claims or a Bhopal-style
     industrial accident.

     Local activists organized the Anti-Nylon 6,6 Citizen's Committee to
     take another look at the plant. Activists with the environmentalist Goa
     Foundation intercepted an electronic message from DuPont to Goan
     project manager Sam Singh that acknowledged that the company had not
     taken appropriate measures to ensure four critical types of pollution
     control for the plant: groundwater protection, waste water treatment,
     solid waste recycling and air pollution control.

     Indian activists also acquired information from their U.S. counterparts
     about the hazardous chemicals that TDL was planning to use at the Goa
     facility and about DuPont's toxic track record in the United States.

     After taking a hard look at DuPont, Goans decided that they did not
     want the company as a neighbor. They first stormed the construction
     site in October 1994. Despite police repression, protests continued
     into January 1995, when a bus load of U.S. DuPont officials were met by
     protesters, who refused to allow the bus onto the factory site. Police
     responded to this confrontation by opening fire, killing 25 year-old
     Nilesh Naik. Naik's funeral was held at the factory site. Before his
     funeral pyre was lit, someone blew up the factory's electricity

     Finally getting the message, TDL began negotiating to reopen the
     factory elsewhere. In June 1995, TDL signed a memorandum of
     understanding with the state of Tamil Nadu to relocate the factory near
     Madras. Plant director S.N. Krishnan told the Indian paper Frontline
     that the new plant would "ensure that 95 percent of the effluents will
     be recycled for use by the plant," compared to 70 percent at the other

     Opposition in Tamil Nadu is focusing on environmental concerns as well
     as the incentives the state offered the company, including: 150 acres
     of land, electricity at one-third the usual industrial rate, a
     commitment of one million gallons of water a day and other subsidies
     and tax concessions.

     In both Tamil Nadu and Goa, opponents of the nylon plant latched onto
     DuPont's miserable environmental health and safety record, which
     continues to worsen.

     In April 1995, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
     (OSHA) fined DuPont's oil subsidiary, Conoco Inc., $1.6 million after
     an investigation of an October 1994 explosion at its Westlake,
     Louisiana refinery that killed one worker and hospitalized another.
     OSHA alleged that the company failed to: provide required employee
     safety training; perform required equipment tests and inspections; and
     correct equipment deficiencies. "Although we disagree with the citation
     and findings, it is best to put this behind us and move forward,"
     Refinery Manager Jim Leigh said in a prepared statement. "We want to
     learn from this tragic event I so that events of this type never happen

     DuPont is currently facing litigation in connection with company
     fungicides that have been alleged to have damaged crops and caused
     babies to be born blind.

     A case involving a U.S. family that claims that spraying of the DuPont
     fungicide Benlate near their home caused their son to be born without
     eyes is expected to begin in April 1996. In October 1995, U.S. lawyers
     announced that they would bring suit in federal court in Florida on
     behalf of families in Scotland who have made similar allegations
     involving DuPont fungicides Benomyl and Carbendazim.

     DuPont did not respond to Multinational Monitor requests for comment.

     DuPont got into trouble this year over a 1993 Benlate case that the
     company had settled with growers who alleged that the product killed
     their ornamental plants. In August 1995, a U.S. federal district judge
     found that DuPont had withheld relevant soil test data from the

     The judge fined DuPont $115 million. In doing so he said, "Put in
     layperson's terms, DuPont cheated. And it cheated consciously,
     deliberately and with purpose." A DuPont statement said, "Neither
     DuPont, its attorney nor anyone affiliated with DuPont has engaged in
     improper conduct."


     Fortune 500 Warner-Lambert Company pled guilty in November 1995 to a
     felony count and was sentenced to pay a $10 million criminal fine for
     fraudulently failing to notify the federal government about persistent
     problems that it had with certain drugs maintaining stable dosages.

     Warner-Lambert pled guilty in U.S. District Court in Baltimore,
     Maryland to a felony under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Federal
     officials charged that the company fraudulently failed to report drug
     stability failures of the prescription drug Dilantin to the Food and
     Drug Administration (FDA).

     Diantin is a widely used anti-epileptic medication. The government
     alleged that similar violations occurred with the prescription drugs
     Parsidol, an anti-Parkinsonism drug, and Euthroid and Proloid, both
     thyroid medications.

     A grand jury in Baltimore indicted Warner-Lambert's former
     vice-president for quality assurance, Allan Doane, on charges of
     conspiracy, for having shipped adulterated Dilantin and obstructing FDA
     proceedings. If convicted on all charges, Doane faces a maximum
     sentence of 19 years imprisonment and a $1.25 million fine.

     Federal officials alleged that prior to 1991, Warner-Lambert had
     trouble meeting FDA-approved dissolution specifications for Dilantin.
     By October 1991, stability test failures had occurred on two different
     dosages of Dilantin and company employees met to discuss the test
     failures. They determined that the FDA should be notified, but that
     decision was reversed by Warner-Lambert executives.

     During several discussions with FDA about these other drugs,
     Warner-Lambert officials concealed the Dilantin failures. The FDA did
     not learn of the Dilantin stability failures until the middle of 1992,
     when FDA inspectors uncovered them during inspections of manufacturing

     As a result of the FDA investigation, in 1993 Warner-Lambert agreed to
     a court-ordered injunction regulating the company's testing and
     reporting practices. Under terms of the injunction, Warner-Lambert
     continues to manufacture Dilantin. The company has discontinued
     production of Parsidol, Euthroid and Proloid.

     Warner-Lambert spokesperson Jennifer Mann said "no consumer was
     injured" by the crime and the guilty plea represents Warner Lambert's
     first criminal conviction.

"The Multinational Monitor is on to the real powers of the time: global
corporations. Dedicated to providing vital information about what these
giant companies are up to, the magazine also reports on how citizens here
and abroad are joining a new awakening against multinational injustice."

-- Ralph Nader

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