Thursday, 3 April 2014

Index pg. 6 of 12

#001   >
#078a >
#219  >
#374  >
#019b >
#119   >    
#269  >
#428  >
#046a >
#165   >    
#321  >
#482  >

Note: Articles are either Directly related to Dioxin issues or have been cited in and an article directly dealing with dioxin issues 
R.A.C.H.E.L Documents #165 to #218


Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.

Superfund--Part 4: Superfund Remedies: Communities Suffer When Polluters Do The Clean-up Studies.

As If The Future Mattered....

Munching Peanut Butter in Cancer Alley.
Toxicological Profiles of Chemicals.

From BHOPAL with Love.
Dioxin--Part 1: Dioxins And Cancer: Fraudulent Studies.

Superfund--Part 5: Some Keys to a Successful Clean-up.
Dioxin--Part 2: Gauging the Toxicity of Dioxin.
Hazardous Waste Incineration in Cement Kilns: 'Recycler's' Paradise.
Dioxin--Part 3: New Evidence That Dioxin Causes Human Cancers And Other Diseases.

Hooked On Danger: Expanding Landfills.

Unrecognized Cause of Landfill Failures.

America's 167 Most Dangerous Polluters.
Medical Incinerators Emit Dangerous Metals And Dioxin, New Study Says.

Commercial Hazardous Waste Landfills

Environmental Grant makers Association Gives Waste Management, Inc., the Boot.

Suing Polluters in Small Claims Court.

Chemical Dumps Make Good Homes For Poor Families, EPA Decision Indicates.
Coming Your Way: Radioactive Garbage.
Bad News About Low-Level Radiation.
Human Harm From Low-Level Exposure.

Niagara River--Part 1: How Industry Survived Love Canal.
Niagara River--Part 2: A Gold Standard for Control of Toxics.
Niagara River--Part 3: A Civics Lesson.

Incinerator Ash--Part 1: Lead Poisoning Epidemic in Children.

Incinerator Ash--Part 2: All Wastes Must Go Somewhere Forever.

Incinerator Ash--Part 3: Deja Vu

Incinerator Ash--Part 4: Dump Now, Let the Children Pay Later.
Human Breast Milk Is Contaminated.

Risk Assessment--Part 1: Early History of the Chemical Wars.

Risk Assessment--Part 2: No Person Shall Be... Deprived Of Life....

Making Peace with the Planet.
How to Project Future Growth.

Scientists Suspect Poisoning Of Fish by Mercury Emissions from Incinerators.
More Ways to Understand Growth.
Sacrificing Citizens.
Nuclear Fallout From Saddam Hussein.
Trial And Error: A Costly Way To Learn.

The Central Issue of Our Time.

Risk Assessment--Part 3: Alternatives to Risk Assessment.

Hazardous Waste Incineration--Part 2: The Heart of a Great Struggle.

Hazardous Waste Incineration--Part 3: Citizens Slow Growth of Incineration.

McDonalds’ Caves In To Pressure from Kids.

Hazardous Waste Incineration--Part 4: Real Alternatives to Incineration.

Hazardous Waste Incineration--Part 5. Why EPA Ignores The Alternatives.

At 20, EPA Should Know Better.
An Insider Tells Why EPA Is Like It Is.

Wolves Masquerading As Shepherds.
Report Links Herbicide Exposure To Illnesses Among Vietnam Vets. (PCB) (Dioxin)

A Hopeful New Year's Resolution for a Nation That Has Poisoned Its Children.

Learning from a National Scourge.

Public Health Association Takes Stand Against Incineration Of Solid Waste.

Some Hidden Hazards of a Plastic World.

Why Plastic Landfill Liners Always Fail.

Asthma Is Increasing Among U.S. Children.

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